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Loopy is a 7 year old rabbit who lives at Park Holidays with his family in a

He is best friends with Cyril the Squirrel and recently they have befriended a

hedgehog named Penny.
Loopy is a well behaved and softly mannered rabbit, he is usually the

peacemaker of the trio and although the quietest of the three, he is definitely

leader of this group of friends.
Loopy loves making friends with everyone that comes to visit park holidays
He loves telling stories and playing games with all his friends


Food – Carrots
Colour – Blue
Hobby – Digging Burrows and Telling stories
TV Show: Animal Planet
Book: Sleeping Beauty
Place: The Park

Possession: His Scooter

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Cyril is a 6 year old Squirrel who lives at Park Holidays with his family in a tree

next too Loopy’s burrow.
He is best friends with Loopy and recently have befriended a hedgehog named

Cyril is the cheekiest of the trio and loves to cause mischief but this is never

done in a malicious way. He is the youngest of the trio but this in no way means

he is shy. Cyril tends to bring Loopy out of his shell.
Cyril loves telling jokes even though he may be the only one that finds them


Food – Nuts

Colour – Orange
Hobby – Practical Jokes
TV Show – Horrid Henry
Book – The Big Book of Jokes
Place – Fun Fair
Possession – His Skateboard

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Penny or her full name Penny Prue Delilah Rose Prickles is a 6 ½ year old

Hedgehog and yes the ½ is very important, she lives at park holidays with her

family at Park Hedge.
Penny recently moved to park holidays and has befriended Loopy and Cyril,

although Cyril and Penny sometimes disagree, they always make up.
Penny loves teaching her dances to everyone and although she can be a bit

bossy she always has good intentions.

Food – Cakes that she has baked
Colour – Pink
Hobby – Dancing
TV Show: Strictly come Dancing
Book: Tracey Beaker
Place: Dance Studio
Possession – Her Hairbrush

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Scurry is a 5 1/2 year old Mouse
He was good friends with Loopy and Cyril until one day he stole the Time

Tricycle to try and make his fortune by stealing and causing mayhem.
Scurry is always coming up with a new scheme to try and make his fortune and

become rich even if he doesn’t do it in the right way. Never think because he is

the youngest he is to be trifled with.
Scurry is very intelligent and has big villainous plans but thanks to Loopy and

Cyril they never come to fruition.

Food – Smelly Cheese
Colour – Purple and Green
Hobby – Being a criminal mastermind
TV Show – Tom & Jerry
Book – Safe Cracking for Beginners
Place – Anywhere that has money
Possession – His Time Tryke

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